"YOGA & MENSTRUAL EQUITY": REPALY of This Session &150 more Yoga, Mindfulness Classes!
March 4, 2023 @ 7:30AM — 9:30AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)

REPLAY: YOGA & MENSTRUAL EQUITY, Celebrating International Women's Day 2023
Access to REPLAY to this session with your donation with minimum of $10, which can support two women's cycles with sanitary napkins! For International Women's Day and beyond, let's all fully #EmbraceEquity. Our Third Annual "Women-in-Yoga Empowerment Conference" will unite global, like-minded women leaders for a discussion on “Yoga & Menstrual Equity.” *You will receive a link to Replay upon checking out.
Enjoy the Replay of this epic event!
With $10, you can also get access to YGB's Gratitude Circle Online Classes, offering 150+ top quality yoga and mindfulness by all our global Ambassadors and Supporters.
Dr. Arundati Muralidharan, a global leader in Menstrual Equity and Health (Delhi, India) and Mina Das NGO partner NISHTHA (West Bengal, India) will share the reality of menstrual inequity and reality among girls and women in rural India and beyond. Yoga Gives Back(YGB) launched Pad Project in West Bengal in 2022, in partnership with The Pad Project and The Trotula Fund to introduce menstrual equity to underserved girls and women in West Bengal.
As an annual gathering, YGB’s Global Ambassadors Harmony Slater(Canada), Nea Ferrier (UAE), Pranidhi Varshney (USA) and Sally Parkes (UK) will also participate in an honest, thought-provoking dialogue and related practice sessions that we hope will inspire you to understand and experience yoga and the menstrual cycle in terms of honoring the body and mind, and as a powerful way to #EmbraceEquity.
The most commonly recognized definition of “Menstrual Equity” refers to the affordability, accessibility and safety of menstrual products. But menstrual equity is not just defined by products — it is also about education and reproductive care. It’s about making sure that people have the needs, support, and choices to decide how they want to take care of their menstrual health. And it’s about finally ending the stigma around periods that has prevented not only decision-makers, but also healthcare providers, educators and individuals from ensuring that menstrual health is a priority.
Program & Schedule: Free registration, a donation is encouraged.
Saturday, March 4th, 2023
Overall Program Schedule (2 hours in total): 7:30-9:30am PST, 3:30-5:30 pm GMT, 7:30-9:30pm UAE, 9 -11pm India
7:30-8:15am PST (45 min): Live Panel “Yoga & Menstrual Equity: Facts and Voices from India” Dr Arundati Muralidharana and Mina Das, Manager at NGO NISHTHA with Ambassadors for Q&A
8:15-8:45am PST (30min): “Sacred Cycle Practices”: Pranayama, Restorative Asana, & Chanting by YGB Ambassadors
8:45-9:30am PST (45 min): Ambassadors Panel: “Yoga Practice and Menstrual Cycle Awareness" with Q &A
Join YGB ambassadors in a dialogue about embracing our menstrual cycles. We will discuss how our cycles impact yoga practice, how to honor our changing energy levels, allowing our cycles to be a window into self-discovery, and much more.
Platform: ZOOM (Link will be sent upon your registration)
This event will be available as REPLAY on March 8th, International Women's Day.
Registration: Free. Donations encouraged to empower more girls and women in India
Equity isn't just a nice to have, it is a must-have. Please join us!
Dr. Arundati Muralidharan https://www.linkedin.com/in/arundati-muralidharan/ - Dr. Arundati Muralidharan is a public health professional with almost two decades of experience in public health programs, research and policy advocacy. She is a passionate advocate of menstrual and female health, working globally and in India to build and strengthen the menstrual health ecosystem through knowledge sharing, evidence generation, policy advocacy, financing, and innovations. Arundati is the Founder of Menstrual Health Action (MHAi), an ecosystem enabler for menstrual health in India, and the Coordinator of the Global Menstrual Collective, a global advocacy network.
Manami Das, Senior Project Manager, NGO Nishtha (www.nishtha.org.in) in West Bengal. Since her student days, Manami has been inspired by Nishtha’s vision of justice and equality in the world, and its tireless work to empower women. Having grown up witnessing discrimination and atrocities committed against women, Manami took an oath as a teenager to join Nishtha’s movement to break down ancient social norms and practices that continue to oppress women.For the last twenty years, Manami has honed her expertise in women’s empowerment through numerous national and international trainings on social development and leadership-building. She is an activist, and has worked with various governmental and non-governmental committees, as well as with the State Legal Aid Commission & Women’s Commission. She completed her post-graduate work at Delhi University in 2005. After joining Nishtha, Manami founded the Adolescent Girls’ Groups in West Bengal. Through proper training and education, these groups spread awareness among their peers and friends in their communities on critical social issues that women face.
Harmony Slater, https://harmonyslater.com/about - Once “a little ballerina” from Calgary, Canada, who struggled with perfectionism, self-criticism, disordered eating, and bouts of anxiety and depression, Harmony Slater has been a dedicated practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga for over 20 years and has found healing through this practice. Harmony has studied Buddhist meditation in China and continues to practice Vipassana meditation. She has also studied Ayurveda and Pranayama in Thailand and today, and is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Harmony is the host of a popular podcast called “Finding Harmony” and travels the world teaching Ashtanga Yoga as a Certified (KPJAYI and SYC) teacher.
Nea Ferrier https://www.neaferrieryoga.com/ - Nea Ferrier is the founder of Ashtanga Yoga Dubai and Nilaya House, a yoga shala in Dubai, UAE. She is a KPJAYI Level 2 Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher and teaches daily in Dubai, as well as workshops and retreats internationally. An avid student of yoga for almost 20 years, Nea continues her studies in the darshans of Vedanta, Tantra, Ayurveda and Veda Chanting, and remains a committed practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. She is currently enrolled in a Menstruality Leadership Programme with The Red School.
Pranidhi Varshney http://yogashalawest.com/pranidhi/ - Prahidhi Varsney is the founder of Yoga Shala West, a community-supported ashtanga yoga studio in West Los Angeles. She is also mother to two courageous and wise little beings. The thread that runs through all her work is the desire to build community and live from the heart.
Sally Parkes BSc, EYT, SYT, RPYT http://sallyparkesyoga.com/ - Beginning her career in 1998 as a personal trainer, Sally Parkes soon experienced a deep calling to explore a more holistic approach to movement and breath. This led to her studying yoga and pranayama with Paul Dallaghan and Sri O.P.Tiwari, as well as at Ashtanga Yoga at the K. Pattabhi Jois The Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore. While teaching her female students, Sally could see that if yoga asana and pranayama was applied in a more bespoke manner with regards to the natural womb cycles that most women experience on a regular basis, the application of yoga could be even more profound. This led her to studying with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, a pioneer in the field with whom she learned Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga, and Well Woman Yoga Therapy. Sally has also trained as a doula and a Pilates teacher, and currently specializes in solely women’s wellness, Sally’s academy offers yoga that honors the cycles of menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, postnatal and menopause.
Kayoko Mitsumatsu, Founder, Director of Yoga Gives Back.
Please check YouTube for a short video about YGB's Pad Project in West Bengal, India.