A Woman's Gita - Live Dialogue with Nischala Joy Devi and Gopi Ona-Ali
June 29, 2024 @ 9:00AM — 10:30AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)

A Woman’s Gita : A modern translation with commentary by and for Western Women
Recording will be available a few days after the event.
A Special Dialogue between NISCHALA JOY DEVI and GOPI ONA ALI.
NISCHALA JOY DEVI is a masterful teacher and healer. For many years she has been highly respected as an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing. Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries and limitations of any one tradition enabling her to touch people's hearts.
She was graced to spend many years as a monastic disciple with the world renowned, Sri Swami Satchidanandaji, receiving his direct guidance and teachings. This was in the lineage of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh who against tradition-initiated women as monks in the Paramahamsa Saraswati lineage (sannyasin). Nischala also studied directly with Indra Devi, named the first lady of Yoga, one of the few female disciples of Krishnamacharya. Nischala was also blessed with teachings from many great Yoga masters in US, India and worldwide.
Originally trained in Western medicine, she began to blend western medicine with Yoga offering her expertise in developing the yoga portion of The Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and co-founded the award-winning Commonweal Cancer Help Program. From her experience with Cardiac and Cancer patients she developed and was primary teacher for taught "Yoga of the Heart.” A training program for yoga teachers and health professionals. She believes that "yoga is not a treatment, it is a consciousness that allows health, balance, and joy to be our companions throughout our entire life's journey.” Nischala created Healing Relationships, a training meant to enhance intuition and assessment skills for Yoga Therapists.
She serves on the Advisory Council for International Association of Yoga Therapists and Yoga Gives Back. Author of instructional recordings and books, including the definitive guide to Yoga Therapy,The Healing Path of Yoga.The Namaste Effect, explores a heart-centered way of living through the mystical chakras whileMeditation in the Yoga Tradition,encourages a deep meditation practice culminating in experiencing the light within.
Her landmark interpretation of the Yoga Sutras, The Secret Power of Yoga, A Woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras has inspired many to delve deeply into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, enhancing their own Yoga practice.
Her latest venture is to make the Bhagavad Gita more accessible and relatable for Western Women. Applying the same principles as she used in the Yoga Sutras, The Woman’s Gita will be heart centered with feminine based parables.
Nischala Devi’s teachings reflect a heart-centered perspective of spirituality and scripture.