Be part of this global movement of Gratitude
Why donation of $108?
- $108 provides Computer & Internet access with skills training for one girl for a year
- 108 represents Spiritual Completion
- 108 represents the Wholeness of Existence
Our goal:
To develop Women Rise Digital Center with 100 computers and skills training to truly empower 5000 girls, women and their families, in addition to more than 2400 women and children we already support with micro loans and education funds in Karnataka and West Bengal.
Impact of 5 Laptop computers & training:
- Girls are getting respect from boys as they shore up their computer literacy.
- Girls are helping illiterate farmers who need government assistance but do not have access to information nor can they apply online.
- Girls are assisting women with micro-loan business such as helping artisans to access to E commerce.
As a way to thank you for your participation, you will receive one-year unlimited access to YGB's Gratitude Circle Library, one of a kind 150+ top quality sessions of yoga asana mindfulness, kirtan and more, plus 60 "Global Gathering for India" sessions.
Thank you for these 60+ global leaders from kirtan, yoga asana, mindfulness and spiritual communities who launched this year's campaign "Global Gathering for India" in June. All sessions are available as replay and offered to the donors of this "108 Global Challenge."