Beate Scholz's Fundraiser
Namasté, I'm calling on you to make a donation to Yoga Gives Back today!
Please join me in making a real difference in the lives of underserved women & children in Mother India, the country that gave us the eternal gift of Yoga.
California, March 2020
Namaste Yogi's and friends!
Will you join me in my efforts to create real change in the world?
Please consider making a donation to Yoga Gives Back, the non profit organization for which I'm an ambassador for. Any amount can make a real difference. Help our organization empower the women and children of Mother India, the country that gave us the eternal gift of Yoga. Your donation helps build sustainable livelihoods and education.
With my own eyes I've seen during extensive trips through Southern India & West Bengal how much impact our donations have!!! No amount is too small! Give now!
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In November 2019 I went to India for 7 weeks, I spent a portion of my time there with a group of 12 amazing YGB ambassadors.
This was the second SEVA (selfless service) trip with YGB, the first trip took place in Jan 2018. These Seva trips are organized every other year, they are impact trips where we visit the three main NGO’s YGB supports.
One of my responsibilities as an ambassador is to help raise funds by teaching donation based Yoga classes where the funds go 100% directly to our organization as well as selling seats for our annual Gala Event in LA which draws an amazing crowd of well respected Yogis and spiritual leaders and speakers including Jack Kornfield in Sept this year!!!
In the past I've helped organize donation based classed at Tantris, a Yoga studio I taught at while living in LA, before I moved to Silicon Valley in Feb 2019 where I've been teaching at multiple locations of Core Power Yoga as well as TRUfusion in Saratoga. I'm in the process of organizing another donation class very soon at one of the studios here in No Cal however in the meantime I'm hoping to raise money by asking you for your direct donations!
Please take a moment to read a more detailed description of our organization by clicking on the link below;
Because of my recent visit to India, I was able to witness first hand the incredible and beautiful changes in the lives of so many girls, women and boys because of our support.
I met with some of the recipients, now grown women and men, including a dentist on his way to become an oral surgeon!!! and a young woman who owns her own business in the wellness industry making a substantial amount of money by any standards and definitely in India!
Both students were born in THE most impoverished rural areas, outside of Bangalore and Kolkata, we actually visited their families at their homes where we were welcomed with open arms and so much love.
Both students were the recipients of our SHE scholar ship program and there are many more..
Especially the women thrive, because they would otherwise be married off at the tender age of 18, or given up for prostitution before so they can support their families!!
I also witnessed incredible changes in the kids at Deenabandhu http://deenabandhutrust.org an orphanage and foster home outside of Mysore where I met the most wonderful, polite and well adjusted kids ever! I should have sent my own kids there:)
The amazing, fierce women of Nishtha, http://www.nishtha.org.in organization in West Bengal are truly saving the lives of many abused young girls and women! These incredible leaders are giving their lives to save and improve the lives of others. This is true feminine power, by true Karma Yogis!!
The Shaktidhama, http://www.shakthidhama.org organization is another outstanding NGO we support, where young girls and young women are saved from child labor and prostitution due to the forbidden practice of Deva Dasi in India which is however sadly still happening in some very rural areas in Southern India.
I sincerely hope I have inspired you to make a donation today!
With sincere gratitude,
Beate Sophia
*Any amount will go a long way to helping me meet my goal
for Yoga Gives Back 🙏🏼
Beate Sophia Scholz